Our Strategic Foundations

Strategic Integration within the Volkswagen Group


Our commitment to sustainability is embedded in the Volkswagen Group’s corporate strategy “NEW AUTO – Mobility for Generations to Come.” NEW AUTO is the Group’s way of preparing for the global changes in mobility and driving forward the transformation of Volkswagen into a software-oriented company. To this end, a total of twelve Group initiatives have been defined across the brand groups. Five technological initiatives and seven basic initiatives form the bedrock of the new strategic approach.


These include the fundamental tenets of sustainable business, referred to as ESG (environmental, social, governance). The aim of the Group’s ESG initiative is to improve Volkswagen’s ESG performance. In doing so, its goals include safeguarding its attractiveness as an investment and optimizing the cost of capital. The Group’s activities center around six focus areas relating to sustainability, which were defined in an materiality analysis that was updated in 2022. They are decarbonization, the circular economy, people in the transformation, diversity, integrity and compliance, and supply chain and human rights.


The importance of sustainable business is recognized at the highest level of the Volkswagen Group as well. The remuneration of the Board of Management members is linked to ESG-relevant key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the decarbonization index (DCI) and the diversity index. The remuneration report of the Volkswagen Group for fiscal year 2023, which is included in the 2023 annual report (VOLKSWAGEN GROUP Annual Report 2023, Remuneration Report 2023, pages 3 and 13 et seq.), provides more information on the consideration of key sustainability criteria in Board of Management remuneration.


In addition, the Volkswagen Group sets out its commitment to sustainability in its decarbonization program and the environmental mission statement “goTOzero.”


The Volkswagen Group has already initiated a comprehensive decarbonization program with the aim of becoming a net carbon-neutral company by 2050 at the latest. The Group aims to reduce the life-cycle carbon emissions of its passenger cars and light commercial vehicles by 30% compared to the benchmark year of 2018 as early as 2030. With its decarbonization index, the Volkswagen Group has a meaningful measurement tool that makes progress and interim results in this field visible and comprehensible to the public. All of the production sites, brands, regions and companies – and therefore Volkswagen Immobilien itself – have drawn up decarbonization road maps, which have been incorporated into a corresponding Group road map (VOLKSWAGEN GROUP Sustainability Report 2023, “Decarbonization,” page 48 et seq.).


The Group’s environmental mission statement “goTOzero” defines all of the environmental action areas that are particularly relevant for the Group. It is based on the principle of minimizing lifetime environmental impact, from sourcing raw materials to end of life. The aim is to keep ecosystems intact and have a positive effect on society. Compliance with environmental regulations, standards and voluntary commitments is a fundamental prerequisite for the Group’s activities. The mission statement is continuously reviewed and adapted to new requirements and changing conditions. Since then, the mission statement has concentrated on the four prioritized action areas: “protecting the climate,” “conserving resources,” “preserving ecosystems” and “ensuring environmental compliance.”


The Volkswagen Group gives these requirements more concrete shape in its Group environmental policy, which rests on the five elements of leadership, compliance, environmental protection, cooperation with interest groups and continuous improvement.

Strategic Alignment at Volkswagen Immobilien

Volkswagen Immobilien further developed its own corporate strategy in line with the target dimensions contained in the Group strategy “NEW AUTO – Mobility for Generations to Come” and published it in early 2022. Entitled “VWI 2030,” our strategy is based on the target dimensions of “excited customers,” “future-proof competitiveness,” “living sustainability” and “excellent employer.” The same aspects are also at the heart of the “VWI 2025” strategy.


As part of our corporate strategy, we are pursuing seven strategic initiatives with the aim of being the leading real estate partner in the Volkswagen Group by 2030. We will achieve this by leveraging our corporate values, “innovative,” “dedicated” and “fair.” Our mission sets out how we intend to achieve our objective:

  • We inspire our customers with customized and competitive solutions.
  • We foster a corporate culture founded on trust with a strong team spirit and straightforward decision-making processes.
  • We support the Group’s shift towards sustainable mobility with our real estate expertise.
  • Our actions are shaped by sustainability, a sense of responsibility and a determination to make a difference.


Our corporate strategy can only be implemented on the back of efficient structures and management processes. Since the start of 2022, we have been using the agile framework “objectives & key results” (OKR) to provide our staff with guidance as they work toward this goal and to enable us to respond flexibly to change. In short time frames of six months, this method defines three to five key results per initiative that make a positive contribution to the defined objective. Progress on each one is reported in regular reviews and status updates.


Like the Group, Volkswagen Immobilien is committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in connection with the 2030 Agenda. We incorporated the SDGs into the materiality analysis that we conducted in 2021 as an influencing factor. In 2022, we also analyzed which SDGs are most important for VWI (see “Strategic Management of Focus Areas”). By doing so, we intend to link the SDGs even more visibly with our sustainability strategy and align our measures even more closely with achieving these goals.


As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Volkswagen Group, we want to take what action we can to contribute toward decarbonization. We are committed to the Paris Agreement and strive to meet the 1.5-degree target. By doing so we are not merely joining the other brands and companies in the Volkswagen Group, we are also meeting our stakeholders’ high expectations. For us, decarbonization means enhancing enterprise value with a future-proof property portfolio. It is furthermore an important means of guarding against climate-related risks that could jeopardize our business model.


Volkswagen Immobilien is also committed to implementing the Group targets set out in the “goTOzero” environmental mission statement. By making this commitment, we have adopted the five building blocks – leadership, compliance, environmental protection, cooperation with interest groups and continuous improvement, which are anchored in the Group environmental policy – to specify the mission statement. They form part of regular training sessions and guide our actions.


To meet the specific challenges of our business model, we have been implementing our own, holistic sustainability concept called BLUE LIVING since 2019 to make the environment our focus throughout a building’s lifespan. With this concept, we want to create attractive and sustainable housing, living environments and workspace, and reduce our properties’ carbon emissions in line with the targets we have set ourselves.


Through BLUE LIVING, we are both forging a link with the Volkswagen Group’s sustainability strategy, which identifies topics including decarbonization and the circular economy as key issues, and adapting the “Resources” action area from the Group “goTOzero” mission statement. The BLUE LIVING approach centers on the key objectives of energy efficiency, environmental awareness, cost-effectiveness and user-friendliness. With our BLUE family of brands, which has been registered with the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (BLUE BUILDING, BLUE FINANCE and BLUE LEASE), we are gearing all stages of a property’s life cycle toward sustainability aspects – from the construction of new residential and commercial properties to financing, use and disposal.

At the same time, we are continuously modernizing our existing residential portfolio of approximately 9,500 units. This brings our properties’ energy performance up to date and also makes our residential districts more attractive. In 2022, we began further developing the BLUE BUILDING standard for modernization projects. We expect to conclude this process in 2024.