Innovative Construction and Management

GRI 3-3

A Sustainable Way to Live and Rent

VWI is keen to inspire tenants to become partners in its efforts to ensure that its apartments and buildings are used in the most resource-efficient way possible. It helps tenants to act sustainably. “Green” tenancy agreements are considered a key means of achieving this in the property sector. In them, both parties agree to use and/ or manage the building sustainably.


In the commercial sector, we succeeded in rounding out our product range by introducing “green” tenancy agreements (BLUE LEASE) back in 2018. Existing agreements were supplemented with corresponding clauses. Tenancy agreements covering a total of over 390,000 m² 9 have successfully been converted to BLUE LEASE agreements already. BLUE LEASE is now a fixed component of new agreements. The majority of our tenants in the commercial sector are certified in line with DIN 14 001 (environmental management) and/or DIN 50 001 (energy management).


In addition to this, VWI is dedicated to focusing more strongly on (sympathetically) revitalizing existing properties that can provide environmental and social value added compared with newbuilds. Together with Technische Universität Braunschweig, the company is a partner and sponsor of the research project “Holistic decision-making support model for the sustainable revitalization of non-residential properties” (Ganzheitliches Entscheidungsunterstützungsmodell zur nachhaltigen Revitalisierung von Nichtwohnimmobilien, GenRE NWI).


GenRE NWI10 is intended to help objectively weigh up the two options of existing development (revitalization or redevelopment) and new construction in the early stages of project development. In addition to economic criteria, the focus should be on the ecological and social impact of the project decision. It is important for VWI to use the results of the research project to set up integrated, life-cycle-oriented development strategies for its own portfolio. As an industrial partner, we support research not only with financial resources, but also with practical experience and pilot projects for testing. The research project is scheduled for completion at the end of 2024.


In the housing segment, we are piloting “green” tenancy agreements with additional clauses concerning the use of green power, energy-efficient appliances and water in connection with our Weidenplan newbuild housing development at Steimker Gärten. When it modernizes a rental property, VWI strives to fit state-of-the-art equipment that makes it possible to utilize and manage the property sustainably. In the year under review, we also focused on the development of a BLUE BUILDING modernization standard, which will serve as a guideline for energy-efficient and sustainable construction measures in the renovation of existing buildings and is due to be completed in 2024.


A user manual for our tenants is also being created as part of the current renovations on Mozartstrasse. It contains information about the building and recommendations for sustainable use of the apartments with regard to aspects such as heating and ventilation, healthy indoor air, use of low-emission products, sustainable building furnishings and waste disposal. We plan to make such user manuals part of our BLUE BUILDING modernization standard, which is currently under development. When tenants move in, we also use door signs as information material to draw their attention to the issues of ventilation and heating.

Innovative Technologies for Low-Emission Living

The German government’s Climate Action Plan for buildings states that the primary energy demand must be reduced to just under 40 kWh/m2 (2008: 227 kWh/m2) for residential buildings and around 52 kWh/m2 (2008: 265 kWh/m2)¹¹ for non-residential buildings by 2050. An intelligent measurement system to monitor our usage and optimize the primary energy demand of our real estate is of the essence if we want to tap into the new savings potential as part of a corresponding climate path. In this context, the decision has been made to deploy smart meters across the board in our commercial properties (both owner-occupied and rented). Implementation is scheduled to start in 2024.

In addition to developing reduction pathways, our main objective is to directly provide commercial and residential tenants with information enabling them to track and manage their own energy usage, identify power consumption peaks and level them out promptly. There are also plans to install meters in the residential division. However, no concrete date has been defined as yet. We are currently working on determining the technical infrastructure for the district heating supply and electrical installations in the existing buildings. An investigation with subsequent concept development will be carried out as part of the climate path.


In addition to this, VWI uses smart thermostats in pilot projects and at pilot properties, which make it possible to heat rooms in a manner optimized for their use for just 30 to 40% as long as with conventional thermostats.

High-Quality Housing and Quality of Life

VWI is aware of the crucial importance of sociodemographic trends for the future. That is why we take such developments into account when planning buildings with regard to factors such as age, population or immigration, as well as future demand (including more single households, changes in the regional population structure and unemployment). In our newbuild projects, for example, we have developed special multiple-story floor plans to create the structural conditions for a diverse living environment, resulting in a tenant structure that is as varied as possible.


In the interests of a diverse tenant structure, VWI also offers subsidized housing with a corresponding rental policy. Additionally, we provide our tenants with debt management services in cooperation with a trained employee in the event of rent arrears.


Volkswagen Immobilien sees good transport links and sustainable mobility concepts as a crucial element of its quality offering. Providing a mobility infrastructure is an important aspect of the BLUE BUILDING standard and a compulsory part of all newbuild projects. We ensure that all of our apartments in Wolfsburg have links to the public transport network. The municipal authorities have pressed ahead with the design planning for an extension of Wolfsburg’s “Alternative Green Route” to incorporate the Steimker Gärten housing development. The city successfully completed the first sections in 2023. Other important elements of our mobility strategy include additional electric vehicle charging points, car- and bike-sharing models and the provision of bicycle parking spaces, such as in bike sheds at ground level. We are in close contact with the ZIA and GdW associations regarding these topics.


Many older people want to live independently in their own home for as long as possible. Ensuring accessibility both inside and outside our buildings forms part of our BLUE BUILDING guidelines. In addition, VWI provides assisted living, including 85 accessible apartments for the elderly (some suitable for wheelchair users) with optional support services at the retirement complex WIR (Wohnen im Ruhestand) in Wolfsburg-Fallersleben. VWI also has 149 accessible apartments at locations other than the WIR retirement complex. Work is underway to fit out 31 apartments to make them accessible for wheelchair users as needed. These 149 apartments correspond to 1.6% of our portfolio. Our 60 furnished SPLACE apartments are also barrier-free, with three of them designed for wheelchair access.


Whenever ground-floor apartments are renovated, we take barrier-free accessibility into account during the planning stage. We are also enhancing accessibility in the light of demographic trends, for example by eliminating thresholds, fitting wider doors, installing showers instead of bathtubs and making controls easily accessible. At certain properties, we are also making specific modifications to elevators and constructing entrance ramps. For physically impaired tenants, needs-based individual measures such as garages for wheeled walkers, electric wheelchair sheds outside or additional grab rails in the bathrooms can also be implemented on request.


Keeping our tenants safe and protecting them from health risks is extremely important to us. To this end, our newbuilds comply with the relevant specifications set out in our BLUE BUILDING concept, such as those aiming to optimize internal air quality, thermal well-being and sound insulation. As a result, a construction site management system was implemented right from the start for our major Steimker Gärten district project. For example, entrances and exits were defined, and new occupants received compensation for unavoidable restrictions. Exposure studies and pathways were also decisive factors in the planning of this construction project.


We have specific processes to safeguard health and safety during modernization work. These include removing defunct water pipes, fitting fire protection collars in false ceilings, checking for asbestos and removing it professionally, observing quiet hours and providing protection from dust during modernization work. In the Mozartstrasse renovation project, for example, special irrigation technology is being used during construction work to avoid excessive dust formation.


In general, all construction work is announced by way of stairwell notices or a tenant information letter that tell tenants when work will start and how long it will last. Contractors are given a set time frame in which the work must be done. Substantial noise disturbance usually only occurs during the first two weeks of demolition projects. In addition, all conversion measures are strictly subject to environmental protection regulations.


At VWI, the topics of pollutants in the living environment, legionella and mold are in the hands of experts, who advise tenants and employees on issues such as how to deal with mold. Mold growth is assessed and evaluated together with the tenants on site, and the problem and measures are discussed. Likewise, we carry out legionella checks in accordance with legal regulations. We effectively prevent potential infection by means of regular legionella sampling in legally regulated properties and preventive flushing of our vacant apartments. Furthermore, we work closely with the local health authorities in the event of suspected cases.

9 Of all Blue Lease properties of VW Immobilien GmbH and its subsidiaries, in accordance with p. 4


10 Technische Universität Braunschweig (n.d.): GEnRe NWI. Ganzheitliches Entscheidungsunterstützungsmodell zur nachhaltigen Revitalisierung von Nichtwohnimmobilien.


¹¹ Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (2016): Klimaschutzplan 2050. Klimaschutzpolitische Grundsätze und Ziele der Bundesregierung, p. 44