About this Report

GRI 2-3


With this report, Volkswagen Immobilien GmbH is informing its stakeholders about its sustainability activities for the seventh consecutive year. It is based on the “VWI 2030” corporate strategy with its four central strategic target areas and the identification of key sustainability issues via a materiality analysis that was conducted in 2021.

The reporting period was January 1 to December 31, 2023. The editorial deadline was March 25, 2023. The report was published in German and English on the company’s website at www.vwimmobilien.de/sustainability/ on June 13, 2024. It will continue to be published annually in the future.

This sustainability report was produced based on the GRI Standards 2021 (“with reference” option). A table with all relevant key performance indicators in the context of sustainability reporting by Volkswagen Immobilien forms part of the report and presented in a separate document entitled “Key business and sustainability figures 2023”. This sustainability report is not subject to a separate external audit.

A system of references and corresponding symbols helps readers to navigate within the report, access relevant sections of the Volkswagen Group’s sustainability report and use external sources of information.